Thursday, October 23, 2008

would you eat something from this place?

I've been meaning to post this for a while now. Months ago when we went to the Tall Ships Festival in Tacoma with mis padres we ran across the above vendor. Apparently they specialize in chocolate flavored fruit.  It's hard for me to believe that this company doesn't know how this term is used in modern language.

I don't want to have to explain why this is a terrible name for a business let alone a choco cover strawberry. If you aren't hip with lingo of the streets you can check out its definition here (don't say I didn't warn you).

Anne, Marshall, Danica and I have an awesome story that involves this, summer of 2000, LBC and Bag of Nouns but it's too hard to explain.  Trust me, it's funny.


Robica said...

haha! I just laughed out loud at work and got weird looks. I think I remember-was it when 'Charles'acted out the word?? didn't he do something involving his facial region?

CMC said...

Is that Shishkaberry?! They have those at Safeco :) Chocolate covered strawberries on a stick, I get one everytime I go to a game.

I have to agree, poor choice in naming - but they are sooo yummy. Now I want one.

anne said...

Wait, you mean dingleberries aren't something you eat? ;) Great memories...might be the best round of bag of nouns ever. "Lazy eye" was another favorite...

Valerie said...

There is a stand at a local farmer market that sells dingle pies and jam. I have been SO tempted to buy a dingle berrypie..but just can't to it!

Julianne said...

So I took a similar picture of one of these at Meeker days in Puyallup...I too have a funny story about this involving my mom, dad and the "urban dictionary" on the internet!