Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Thanksgiving weekend was pretty awesome.  Dusty's sister and her family were in town so we had a blast hanging out with them.

Wednesday evening- Kelly, Josh, Conner, Skyler and Chloe (sister's fam) get in and we head over to Dusty's parent's home for pizza!  Conner came home with us and he and Dusty spent countless hours playing Lego Indiana Jones on the 360.

Thursday- Conner woke us up around 7:30 so he could play more video games.  Dusty and I made food for the day's feast.  Dusty made his grandfather's famous roles and I made green bean casserole and the mashed potatoes. We sat down and ate at 1pm and I think we finished around 1:15.  All that hard work for 15 minutes.  The food was delicious and I helped consume the leftovers in the days that came

At 5pm, Dusty's extended family came over for dessert.  I was able to fit some more food in my stomach. After that, Skyler came over to spend the night and play video games

Friday- The guys of the family were super excited to all go to the Broncos game that afternoon.  While the boys did that, the girls went to a tea room for lunch.  I had the most amazing sandwich ever (ham, raison bread, cream cheese, and cranberry).  From there we did some shopping but I couldn't find any steals so I refrained from spending money.

Later that evening some girlfriends met at my house before we hit the town.  We went to Bardenay which was a lot of fun.  Abbey and Amy seemed to know everyone at the bar.  (The joys of growing up in Boise). 

Saturday- Dusty and his fam went to see a movie (Transporter 3 and the others to Madagascar 2).  I stayed home and put out our Christmas decorations.  The rest of the day was spent eating leftovers and watching football.

Sunday- We went to church in the morning then headed out to lunch for some steaks. I ended up taking a nap and decorating more.


Robica said...

Sounds like your turkey day was great. I really missed seeing you last weekend. Thanks for your support. My mom is talking about hooking me up with a free pass so we can fly to Boise for girls trip soon.

The Browne Fam said...

Glad to hear your Thanksgiving was awesome! Looks like you guys are adjusting well!