Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break

Dusty has been on spring break this week and since I have to work, we weren't able to go anywhere fun. Instead, this week we've been able to scratch a ton off of our "to do list".

1. We registered- Babies R Us and Target. This task was so much easier than when we registered before we got married. It took a quarter of the time and this time no quarrels over dishes.

2. Idaho Driver's licenses- We had delayed this task for a few reasons: a) laziness 2) we had to take a written test III) the DMV isn't open on Saturdays so we had to find a time to do it during the week. We both passed the test but Dusty was the winner since he missed 2 less questions than me.

3. Roof- We are getting a new roof put on our house as I type. I think this will modernize our house a lot. I'll post a pic later.

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