Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ezra's 1st Bday- Seattle

Ezra is a year old!  We have had a Boise party and a Seattle celebration for him.  I haven't posted our Boise pics because we are all packed up and ready for our "big move".  People ask me all the time if I can believe that he's 1.  I can definitely believe it.  I think the phrase is "the days are long by the years are fast".

Ezra Stats
Height and weight: to come next week
Words:  only Uh Oh, ball, and Gunner (our dog)
Milestones:  walks and crawls...whatever gets him there faster. 
Favorites:  he loves to clap, point at things, giggle/laugh, play hide and seek and drive his cars around.
Teeth: 2 on bottom, 2 fully on top with another one that just cutting through and the other just about to
Favorite Activities:  watching Psalty videos, playing outside, going for walks in the stroller
Sleep: from 7:45pm-7am plus 2 naps that are at least an hour

(pics  from my mom)

1 comment:

Robica said...

I can't wait to see him!