This morning I was awoken by the sound of yard work. Leafblower was a'blowin and I could hear people bagging yard waste. I decided to get up since it was 8:30 and I had slept enough. I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast when I looked out the front window to see the street completely lined with cars. What the heck is going on at half past eight! I went outside to check out where the party was. It turned out that the party was at our 90 year old nieghbors house, Ralph.
I should mention that Ralph and his wife live next door to us and have a HUGE maple tree in their front yard. Over the last couple of weeks it had left a buttload of leaves all over their front yard. I figured one of these Saturdays I'd go over there and try to make a dent in the leaves by raking some but it would be a large project for anyone who took on the task.
Needless to say, I was so surprised when I woke up this morning to see a raking party over at Ralph's. I decided to see who these people were since they had also raked up some of our leaves. It turns out the group was from an engineering company in Meridian that does this every year on the "Rake Up Boise" Saturday. Apparently groups and individuals volunteer their time to help elderly, disabled and busy folks by raking up their yards. How awesome is that?
Maybe next year I can get a group together to do some raking. Anyone interested?
this post made me feel so good!! I feel like I know Ralph :) People are good after all...
Ralph is such a cutie! (Don't you dare tell him I said that.)
I'll rake up leaves with you next year :o)
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